
Sunday, November 5, 2017

Etiquette and just plain manners~ It's all about energy

Recently I was reminded about etiquette. Phone, text, or just simply being aware that I'm living in a different time. When it comes to greeting someone when reaching out to have a conversation, I open with a good morning, good afternoon, or how about hello? Yes. I lived in a time where when you walked up to someone or reached out to them via telephone, you opened with a greeting or salutations at the very least. Hi, hello, good day, good morning? You get the jest. Am I getting through? Okay, let's move on.
Nowadays, it's as if simple manners have flown the coop. People go for the jugular. Hey you busy? Hey, I have a quick question? It's almost as if people don't care about waiting until you respond. Maybe I don't feel like talking right now. I have issues going on of my own. I just can't take on your energy or drama at this time. But at least with a greeting you have a chance to say, "Hey good morning to you too. I'm really not in a good space. Can we continue this later?" Naw, people just go right on in and start with whatever is going on with them.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a great listener. I love exchanging ideas, sharing memories, laughing at jokes or calmly being in the moment so you can vent. Oh yeah, I'm that lady. I welcome you with open arms. To heal your wounds, dry your tears, or just be your personal cheerleader.

However, I get full too. I get depressed and overwhelmed with my own drama. My reaction? I retreat. I go underground. I take a day to not speak. Well I try to. But somehow I'm sucked in and I want to be that shoulder to cry on. Because let's face it. I'm sure there were days my friends or family didn't want to take on my energy. And yet they did because they loved me and genuinely cared.

All I'm saying is, give me a greeting and let me tell you if I'm in a space where I can be beneficial. Otherwise, I will put you on what my Daddy calls "the do not call list" And trust me, you don't get removed quickly.

On to a more uplifting and positive mode, I believe on my last blog posting I shared a snippet of my dear friend's current project. Well Fam, she has just given me the exclusive to showcase her newest creation.

Please take a moment and visit her website and discover what I'd like to call "The Morasco Perspective!" Check it out Fam...

And as always...

Be well.


New cover reveal!!!!!!!

                          Currently on repeat... RIP Michael

The Road to Becoming A Screenwriter

Hello Fam! Yes, I know. It's been a minute. Don't beat me up too bad. Moving, job changes, and life have definitely gotten in...