
Saturday, March 2, 2024

The Road to Becoming A Screenwriter

Hello Fam!

Yes, I know. It's been a minute. Don't beat me up too bad. Moving, job changes, and life have definitely gotten in the way. But as always, I try to navigate as best as I can. Can we say, human people? 
So, here we are. I am pulling you in again but with more content. 

With that being said, I've been venturing into a different road. Let's say for the past four years. My books have not come out as frequently as I would like. 

Since writing an adapted script, it was necessary to address a significant concern I've always had. Whenever you want to know what goes on behind the scenes of a particular project, you usually only see the highlights.

My manager suggested blogging my journey as a way to learn what actually happens to bring a movie and/or TV series to fruition and what happens along the way. I thought, what a fantastic idea. A majority of people believe the process is easy. Some may think it was done overnight, or a million other things I could tell you.

Honestly, telling you what happens behind the scenes is out of fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of rejection. Fear that no one will like my interpretation of vampires or any other genre for that matter. I want to conquer my fears and just put out my art. Period.

So, I will take you with me over the next several months. I may even post some pics on Instagram or other social media platforms. I'll answer questions (if time allows) and share information about my project.

This year, that script was supposed to move into pre-production. That has been put on hold. Thankfully, I'm doing more research and reading to make the project even better.
I have to admit I didn't think I could do it! However, I have to stay vigilant in what I need to accomplish. Having a great support system has helped tremendously. And here is where I need to explain my intent to make an impact!

This project is so vital in so many ways. It has to be a great representation of what is in my eyesight. When people view the content, I want it to be relatable, identifiable, and organic. There has been a history of needing to be represented in this particular genre in the best way possible. I'm definitely going to change that. I must be firm in my stance, or there will be a long wait before I present my project to the world. My intent is filled with good intentions and an openness I'm proud of.

Not everyone will like the stories, or they will find fault in every way possible to try to shut it down. A more significant number of people will enjoy it on a different level.

At this point, I'm thankful for the team of individuals trying to make my project come to fruition.

Side note: If you have been following my blog and social media platforms or have listened to any of my interviews, you may need to learn why I write in Horror/sci-fi/Fantasy genres. The simple answer has always been I love all things macabre and out of the box. It doesn't always have to scare the crap out of me to have me fully engaged. For me, the horror element in any story is about the creature(s) and what abilities they possess. Magic is part of the fantasy but is not always intertwined with horror. 

Creating a storyline that has all the elements wasn't the challenge. It was coming up with what characters I create that also allowed me to represent my community. African Americans have only sometimes been the major players in any story. A sub-character, token, or sometimes (more often than not) not at all. We are part of the landscape that is called the human race. And yet, for the vast majority of stories, especially when it comes to science fiction, fantasy, or horror, we just aren't in them.

Let's start with what I accomplished in the last few years...
I published my second book. I haven't been able to promote it as I wanted to. However, I will have several projects linked to my series this year. The goal is to reach more readers and fans of my work.

I wrote a script. Not just any script. But one adapted from my first book. I had to write a pilot episode, a proof of concept script, nine treatments, and a synopsis for ALL of them, and then I wrote an adapted movie script. It's been a labor of love and taught me quite a bit. I've always had the privilege of contributing to another adaptation, two short stories, and a rom-com, and I'm currently working on writing another horror feature film.

No, I'm not going to completely abandon my series. Are you kidding? I have three more installments! I will return to writing Book 3 (Adamina Embraces the Dawn- The Vampyir Witch) this spring. My release date goal will be in February 2025.

As always, take care of yourself and until next time...

Be well.

                                                Currently listening to this while I'm writing:

                                                                         Is it worth it?

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The Road to Becoming A Screenwriter

Hello Fam! Yes, I know. It's been a minute. Don't beat me up too bad. Moving, job changes, and life have definitely gotten in...