
Monday, December 18, 2017

                                               Holidays, Traditions, and Goals for 2018

Ahhhh...It's that time of the year.

Most companies call this the last quarter before taxes are due in January. To see where their profits are. Do they need to clean house before or after the holidays or lovingly give bonuses? ( Which I think most companies have done away with because they don't invest in their employees anymore.)

Most people from all types of religions and pagan based faith are celebrating the holidays from their perspective versions of Christmas, Hanukkah and the Winter Solstice.

What I don't understand is the lack of respect. I mean as people have  become "woke" they suddenly realize that what they believed in is now a lie and can no longer participate. Those who have continued tradition, press upon those that if they don't celebrate they will lose out in the end. Those who don't believe in anything, continue to not be phased. Although, if asked will certainly give their viewpoint on the grounds of science and common sense.

I'm not going to bore you will a long stretched out story. I will keep it simple. I was raised in Catholicism and denounced it after a brief encounter at my Grandmother's Baptist church. I still celebrated Christmas because it brought joy and my family together. The real family gathering where you know which pie to not eat, but still thank Aunt Creatta for making it. Where the kids were outside waiting to eat, while the grow-ups are playing cards and cussing each other out. Sitting in flowered color chairs and small drinks with brown liquid give courage to my Uncles at the table. "Don't come to this table if you ain't ready to play!" While my Aunts are drinking in the living room, eying each other, while my Grandmother was in the kitchen making sure no one started eating before saying grace.
Everyone has a different story. A different family that may not have the same experience as my own but yet can relate to what I'm talking about. Different countries around the world celebrate the holiday season with lights and traditions that are deeply rooted and go back as far as the 5th Century.


The respect I'm trying to convey is even if you don't believe in tradition, Christmas, Winter Solstice, etc...don't ruin it for everybody else. There is something magical and wonderous when you see a child's eyes light up when they see a  Christmas tree lit up. The smells in the malls and the smell in my own kitchen from cooking a very fattening feast. (Ask my oldest adult son!)If you respect mine, I will respect yours. In this climate we are living in, we are forgetting the very fundamentals of what the season was always supposed to mean. The one time of the year when we act a little nicer. A little kinder. Give a little more of ourselves and connect with those we haven't seen in ages. Grieve together for those they are no longer living among us. I won't shame or condemn your holiday practices and expect you to do the same for me. If you want to "enlighten" me there is a simple way to do it. AFTER THE HOLIDAYS!!! If you are compelled to have a discussion, let's reconvene next year. In a non-threatening and healthy discussion. Not while I'm eating my Mama's yams. Beat it!

That's my two cents. I will try to release one more blog post before the end of December. Planning and trying to make sure I start the New Year off on the right foot.

Thank you for following my journey thus far and there is more in store.

Be well...


                                        Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa
                                                              Happy Winter Solstice
                     Click to listen to:Charlie Brown Christmas
                                 Happy Holidays Everyone!

The Road to Becoming A Screenwriter

Hello Fam! Yes, I know. It's been a minute. Don't beat me up too bad. Moving, job changes, and life have definitely gotten in...