
Saturday, January 19, 2019

Learning to Navigate through this journey as a Writer

Hello, Dawnettes and other wonderful individuals who decided to check me out! 

Welcome and please feel free to subscribe to my wacky world of opinions and other interesting tidbits of that cross my path.

*Shameless plug: If you have read my current novel Midnight Comes With the Dawn-The Vampyir Plague, please leave a review. Thanks!👍📝*

Let's begin on the title on this particular blog. I try not to let any personal issues seep through and end up for public view.
However, on this blog, I will have to give a bit of a personal struggle because I feel someone will benefit from it.
Now let's begin.

On April 25, 2015, I had reached a milestone. On that date, I completed my first interview. It took a little tweaking, but rest assured I am very pleased with the outcome. I was so grateful ( and I still am.) that the author chose me to be the first "Author of the month" in their podcast. I was literally crying as I blogged it back then. There are so many dimensions to me and my brand.  I feel like I've only just begun my journey as a human being with many interests. Even though I'm a little older than I look! 😉
I say all this because some people don't understand that it isn't always easy to maintain a balance between writing and have other different things going on in your life.😌

In the past, I have always tried to be a fair-minded individual and give you all that I have. I'm not without flaws or shortcomings and I'm definitely not a selfish person. I have also felt somewhat guilty if I'd take time to do something for myself. That, in turn, translates to me that I'm not giving back to my family or I'm not dealing with a current crisis firsthand.
Over the years, I learned positive and painful lessons. I didn't let myself recharge. I didn't love myself enough to grow as a woman. I needed to come to terms with living my truth and accepting who I was. I'm happy to report that eventually happened. Everything from that point, I have tried to improve my surroundings, develop better relationships with people in my life and set boundaries.

In 2018, I've had to evaluate and make changes. Which I will admit, it was a struggle at first. My mind is always racing and I have so many ideas, it's a little hard to contain all of them. As the weekend draws closer, I'm trying to keep calm and give myself permission to just breathe. There are times that I need personal space. My partner has been working diligently with me on this issue to make sure I take the time I need. What a bumpy road it has been! Trust me!

It's consent struggle to write and be creative. It's not also easy to just sit in front of a computer and write. At least not for me. I need people to understand this.  Writers from all walks of life already know this. They even set up a regiment to complete daily writing tasks.  I get comments from people all the time who don't write for a living telling me, "Why haven't you written anything lately? I thought writing was therapeutic for you?" and other side eyed questions.👀
In addition to writing, I have to check on my social media accounts. I don't post as I have in the past for several reasons. According to most authors and writers, there is a balance and a rhythm you have to juggle if you want viewership, followers or build your fan base. You have to constantly put out content and respond to those who take the time to comment. Yes, I realize there are apps and self-help books that can help me. As I write this, my only thoughts are to have a grilled cheese sandwich and watch Boxtrolls. (I love cartoons.) 

I'm a writer. A published author. A dedicated Partner & Mom. There are many other facets to me. My main objective as a writer is: Writing, blogging and creating new content with POC (People of Color) & LGBTQ+ representation. 

I did accomplish a few goals this week. Important things for my writing career. I'm making strides thanks to my commitment to stay on task and complete my personal goals this year. 

When I put my headphones on and listen to my music, I'm transported into another world. I'm at peace. I can write and be productive. 
"Checks and balances" fam is my motto this year. No rants to report. I'm too busy being thankful.

Until next time loves, stay blessed, positive, and know that every new day is an opportunity. Keep an open door to new ideas and a fresh start

Be well...

What I listened to while writing this blog: Liberian Girl- Micheal Jackson

The Road to Becoming A Screenwriter

Hello Fam! Yes, I know. It's been a minute. Don't beat me up too bad. Moving, job changes, and life have definitely gotten in...