
Saturday, March 2, 2019



Hello Fam. This is the first time I am conducting a contest and I'm PUMPED!

The launching of my second book "Alex Races Against the Dawn-The Vampyir Plague Book 2" has been a labor of love and I wanted to give back in a fun & engaging way.

So, If you visit my Twitter account, Twitter Page or My website and follow the instructions you will be entered to when 1 of three prizes.

I will provide the links to my social media outlets below.🔔🔔🔔

I want to take a moment and thank everyone that has helped in making this launch possible. From the people that are in my life that motivated me to create these characters to the people that helped put my creation together. Family, friends, Advocates and personalilties from the LGBTQ community, my editor and the wonderful company that created my cover. I also want thank everyone that has ever crossed my path, in some way shape or form. You have in some way contributed to this book and my writing.

So, go!→ Now and enter the contest! Good luck!!!


                               Darlene B the Author Facebook Page


                             Music I enjoyed to while I was making this blog:


                                                        Sade~ Keep Looking

The Road to Becoming A Screenwriter

Hello Fam! Yes, I know. It's been a minute. Don't beat me up too bad. Moving, job changes, and life have definitely gotten in...