Hello Fam! I hope this post finds you well and in good spirits.😄
This particular blog post will be short and sweet.
I'm coming to you after contemplating what to expose about myself next. I love using my Pinterest account to find gems I don't think are on any other social media platforms.
I use to be a creature of habit. I think in some ways, I still am. I can't eat the way I used to or have the same stamina I once had, but I do try to live my life instead of just existing. I am fundamentally a decent person. I don't set out to intentionally hurt anyone, nor do I seek harm to anyone who has hurt me. I let karma do its job. I will continue to be humble and grateful for each breath I take.
Now that that's out the way, let's get to some fun stuff.
Below are my top ten things I can't live without:
1) Music
Music over the years has been my best friend, my therapist, my confidant, my tear-jerker and my soul healer. I couldn't live on this planet without music. Could not!
2) Positive energy
I don't need daily affirmations to help navigate me through. However, I've had so many negative things happen to me ( and if I'm being honest, I've done negative things) upon much research and daily meditation, I need to have a positive outlook on my life. Wallowing in self-defeat and self-destructive actions will only produce negative outcomes. Yes, I'm a bit of a realist, but I'm a Libra y'all. I'm also a dreamer. I need balance in my life.
3) Good food
I won't say I'm a foodie, but I do enjoy different varieties of food. From a fresh Caprese salad to homemade mac' n cheese, ya girl has been blessed with a "cooking" hand and a lovely palette.
4) Books & Magazines
Uhh, this almost does not need an explanation. As an avid reader and writer, it's essential I read. Even if it's only the daily news online, I have to read every day.
5) My laptop
It's the center of my universe. Simple as that.
6) Notebooks
I think my last count was 10? I need to take a look. I'm working on three projects at the moment and there is a notebook for each one. I try to keep them close to me, along with my laptop.
7) Documentaries and BBC shows
I was losing faith in the quality of shows until the last 5 years. Thank goodness there are stories being made on independent networks! Kudos to Netflix for showcasing shows AND movies I wouldn't normally see here in the United States. My current obsession is Mindhunter and other shows about solving crimes.
8) Water
Not just consuming water, but at the very least, having a body of water to sit by or jump in.
9) Friends-
I have a small group of friends that I can call and count on.
10) Love
Whether it's from my partner, my kids (biological or bonus) or my family, I know I'm loved. I 'm not in shortage of that.
Fall season is around the corner. I love Autumn and all it brings. I may blog about that.
Until then...
Be well,
What I listened to while writing this blog post
Niia-Last Night in Los Feliz