
Monday, February 4, 2019

Happy Black History Month! Let's Celebrate

Hello Fam & Dawnettes,

Diversity is the new word that has woven it's way into our social consciousness. So much so, that it's changing the way we view and think of others that are outside of our culture and race. It's always been there. However, it has become more prevalent in recent times.

 So, I have said in the past when you visit my blog, you will not find anything of a "political" nature. I created this blog for several reasons. I've come to the belief that when someone has a platform, certain subjects should be addressed.

Well, fortunately I created a space where I can speak on this subject. Not only because it's long overdue, but it goes along with my personal motto and I know I'm not alone in my thinking. This will be a particularly long post, so sit tight and read on.👀

Cinematic films have come a long way. Films can transports us to another place and time. It can have an impact on those who want to go into acting, film directing or even be part of the process, for example; the crew. Movies can reach people in places where in many cases people wouldn't even know they existed. They can also educate or give you a different viewpoint from five people all at once. Such as documentaries or give you glimpse into someone personal life. Biopics. You get the jest.
I recently came across a post about a movie with a portrayal of a masculine centered lesbian. I thought, "Yeah, let's see what this is about." And let me say this before I begin. I like all genres. If it's interesting, from foreign to Sci-fi I will watch it.
There are only two reasons that I would pay money to go see a movie at this point. The cast has someone I truly enjoy their work or the subject matter. Back in the day, I loved going to the movies. I loved seeing the previews and the anticipation of what's to come in the next few months or upcoming year. The fragrance of popcorn looming in the air. The stickiness beneath your shoes as you walk on the floor to get your perfect seat.
Now, I'm just annoyed. I get anxiety thinking someone is going to bring their baby into the theatre or answer their cell phone during the movie. I digress. Let me get back on topic.

I understand not everyone's performance is entertainment. There are groups of people that will never see another group of people's work simple because of their race. That's reality.
However, there still should be a reflection of the current times and the landscape in general. I agree there are certain reason's movies become blockbusters or iconic films.
With that being said, I started to delve into my collection of favorite movies from the 1940's ( yes, I love older movies) to recent times.
I understand "we" have come a long way. There are certainly more POC representation in films than when featured cinema were originally created. Quite a few Black Actresses and Actors have paved the way for many to the ability to be able to do they can do now. We have also seen some changes in the way we are represented. The negative stereotypes have somewhat faded away, but not entirely gone.

In 2018, there were a total of 38 movies with People of Color and female in lead roles.
68% of all female characters were white in the top 100 films of 2017. 16% were Black, 7% were Asian, 7% were Latina, and 2% were of another race or ethnicity. Women and Hollywood(Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film)📉


There is an amazing documentary about this very subject done by Shudder network called "Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror." It is being showcased across the country, but if you can't make it to the showings you can check it out on Shudder on Feb 7th! Please take a moment and visit  Graveyard Shift Sister's website. 
"Graveyard Shift Sisters is an online resource dedicated to the scholarship surrounding the experiences, representations, achievements, and creative works of Black women and women of color in the horror and science fiction genres." from the about section located on website.*

I watched Viola Davis's Emmy speech in 2015 (and along with various reasons such as the documentary highlights) it forever changed the narrative of why I continue to write they way I do.
I thoroughly enjoy writing as a whole. I love creating my characters, their world, and introducing the chaos that comes with it. Going forward it has purpose for me. It's my choice. It's not only my purpose but my duty as a writer to create these characters with layers and complex personalities and definitely with a defiant and clear, rich cultural background.


Be well,



Song I listened to while I was writing this blog:Blue Girl by Q-Tip

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