
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Wow 2020! Really?


                                                                 Hello, 2020! Really?

The holidays have come and gone. They were whisked in with joy and past memories. The end of the holiday season set a path to move forward into next year with eagerness and hopeful ideas.
I kept the above sentences to remind myself of where I was mentally.  I wrote those words right after New Years' day.
I wanted to start my blog off with a new look on life and to give you a preview of what's ahead for the coming year.

*That was then, this is now...
I'm not going to address the MAMMOTH size issues we are all facing currently, but I would be an idiot to not at the very least acknowledge it's presence in our lives.
With that being said, I hope all of you are doing the best you can and are staying safe.

Having a platform in our current climate can be challenging at times. What to say, what not to say are questions I ask myself daily. I've even reached out to trusted individuals to seek guidance and figure out just what to do. 
In a perfect world, everything I say will not be scrutinized and seem disingenuous. But that's not reality and no matter what I say, it will not seem adequate.

It's been agonizing, frustrating, and above all stressful. Which has led me to take a step back and be proactive behind the scenes. I don't owe anyone an explanation for how I take action. My fan-base knows if I need to be vocal, I will be. Because I have been.

Three things I want all of you to keep in mind:

1) Stay informed and DO your research.
Social media has been a great way to stay informed AND to be misled. Do your homework and come to the best solutions for you and your loved ones. 
2) Don't try to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. RUN!
We ALL need to step out of our comfort zone and take into account another person's situation. In the same breath, please educate yourself on systemic racism and how you can help in dismantling stereotypes and policies by having an honest conversation and strive actively for change.

3) VOTE!
It's your civic duty! Not only in the general election, but in your local election as well. WE truly are in this together. 

That's all I have to say for now. 

Be well.


                                               What I listened to while writing this post       
A Tribe Called Quest
                                                                   Electric Relaxation

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

My Top Ten Favorite Movies ~ SciFi Edition


Hello Fam!

Welcome to My Top Ten Favorite Science Fiction Movies of All-Time.

While I don't seek out Scifi movies on the regular, I would be remiss if I didn't share my love for these cinema projects.

Let me add a little factoid about me. I love ALL of the Star Wars movies and I'm also a Trekkie. Yes, you can be both. Seriously.😉

1) Empire Strikes Back

2) Star Trek 2 - The Wrath of Khan

3) Star Trek 6 -The Undiscovered Country

4) Star Wars Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace

5) The Fifth Element

6) Oblivion

7) Terminator 1, 2 & Salvation

8) Valerian

9) World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles

10) Independence Day

Be well,


                                              What I was listening to while writing this blog
                                                           Star Wars Live- John Williams

Sunday, August 2, 2020

My Top Ten Favorite Movies ~ Horror Edition


Heyyyyyyyy Fam!!!

I'm overly excited to share My Top Ten fav Horror Movies of All-Time! I love Horror movies and of course writing about horror.
This post would probably be more relevant around Halloween. But as you may know (or not) my belief is, if you love Halloween, Scary movies and all things creepy can be celebrated any time of the year!

                                            *Rubs hands together & evil laugh ensues

 #1 Seven (This movie still disturbs me to this day)

#2 Train to Busan (Made me fall in love with Zombie movies again)

#3 Cabin in the Woods (Joss Whedon, duh!)

#4 Dawn of the Dead (2004 edition) (Classic. And the way these zombies run!)

#5 Queen of the Damned (Visually appealing and killer soundtrack)

#6 Halloween 2 (Best Michael Myers movie)

#7 28 Days Later (It's action non-stop)

#8 30 days of Night (A beautiful twist about Vampires)

#9 The Thing (1982) (One of John Carpenter's best movies ever)

#10 Underworld (Everything about this Vampire world is amazing and yeah, I still don't do Werewolves)

Bonus movies (in no particular order) ~ Constantine, Lost Boys, Pet Sematary, Creepshow 1 & 2, Get Out, The Silence of the Lambs, The Birds, Psycho, The Strangers, Final Destination 1 & 4, Hereditary, The Quiet Place, Split, The Shining, Psycho and IT(2017)

That's it! As always...

Be well,


                                                      Cool Beats- Background Music

The Road to Becoming A Screenwriter

Hello Fam! Yes, I know. It's been a minute. Don't beat me up too bad. Moving, job changes, and life have definitely gotten in...