
Saturday, March 2, 2024

The Road to Becoming A Screenwriter

Hello Fam!

Yes, I know. It's been a minute. Don't beat me up too bad. Moving, job changes, and life have definitely gotten in the way. But as always, I try to navigate as best as I can. Can we say, human people? 
So, here we are. I am pulling you in again but with more content. 

With that being said, I've been venturing into a different road. Let's say for the past four years. My books have not come out as frequently as I would like. 

Since writing an adapted script, it was necessary to address a significant concern I've always had. Whenever you want to know what goes on behind the scenes of a particular project, you usually only see the highlights.

My manager suggested blogging my journey as a way to learn what actually happens to bring a movie and/or TV series to fruition and what happens along the way. I thought, what a fantastic idea. A majority of people believe the process is easy. Some may think it was done overnight, or a million other things I could tell you.

Honestly, telling you what happens behind the scenes is out of fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of rejection. Fear that no one will like my interpretation of vampires or any other genre for that matter. I want to conquer my fears and just put out my art. Period.

So, I will take you with me over the next several months. I may even post some pics on Instagram or other social media platforms. I'll answer questions (if time allows) and share information about my project.

This year, that script was supposed to move into pre-production. That has been put on hold. Thankfully, I'm doing more research and reading to make the project even better.
I have to admit I didn't think I could do it! However, I have to stay vigilant in what I need to accomplish. Having a great support system has helped tremendously. And here is where I need to explain my intent to make an impact!

This project is so vital in so many ways. It has to be a great representation of what is in my eyesight. When people view the content, I want it to be relatable, identifiable, and organic. There has been a history of needing to be represented in this particular genre in the best way possible. I'm definitely going to change that. I must be firm in my stance, or there will be a long wait before I present my project to the world. My intent is filled with good intentions and an openness I'm proud of.

Not everyone will like the stories, or they will find fault in every way possible to try to shut it down. A more significant number of people will enjoy it on a different level.

At this point, I'm thankful for the team of individuals trying to make my project come to fruition.

Side note: If you have been following my blog and social media platforms or have listened to any of my interviews, you may need to learn why I write in Horror/sci-fi/Fantasy genres. The simple answer has always been I love all things macabre and out of the box. It doesn't always have to scare the crap out of me to have me fully engaged. For me, the horror element in any story is about the creature(s) and what abilities they possess. Magic is part of the fantasy but is not always intertwined with horror. 

Creating a storyline that has all the elements wasn't the challenge. It was coming up with what characters I create that also allowed me to represent my community. African Americans have only sometimes been the major players in any story. A sub-character, token, or sometimes (more often than not) not at all. We are part of the landscape that is called the human race. And yet, for the vast majority of stories, especially when it comes to science fiction, fantasy, or horror, we just aren't in them.

Let's start with what I accomplished in the last few years...
I published my second book. I haven't been able to promote it as I wanted to. However, I will have several projects linked to my series this year. The goal is to reach more readers and fans of my work.

I wrote a script. Not just any script. But one adapted from my first book. I had to write a pilot episode, a proof of concept script, nine treatments, and a synopsis for ALL of them, and then I wrote an adapted movie script. It's been a labor of love and taught me quite a bit. I've always had the privilege of contributing to another adaptation, two short stories, and a rom-com, and I'm currently working on writing another horror feature film.

No, I'm not going to completely abandon my series. Are you kidding? I have three more installments! I will return to writing Book 3 (Adamina Embraces the Dawn- The Vampyir Witch) this spring. My release date goal will be in February 2025.

As always, take care of yourself and until next time...

Be well.

                                                Currently listening to this while I'm writing:

                                                                         Is it worth it?

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Halloween is here!!!

Hello Fam and Dawnettes!

One of my two favorite holidays is upon us! The combination of my favorite season with all that it brings, is a comfy distraction. There are a few things coming in the next few days:

1) My Quarterly Newsletter is coming out. Click here if you would like to receive it and use the Contact page!

2) I'm conducting a GIVEAWAY!!! Click here to enter!
The prizes include merch from my Vampyir store and Kindle downloads of Book 1 & 2. There is a unique bonus entry as well!!!

3) Both of my books will go on sale from October 29th to October 31st!

4) And lastly, the "Vampyir Store" will give you a discount if your order is $20.00 and over. 

In the past, I've always expressed how much I love this holiday. This year, more than ever I wanted to engage with my fans and give out some "treats."

Good luck to all of the entries and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Wow 2020! Really?


                                                                 Hello, 2020! Really?

The holidays have come and gone. They were whisked in with joy and past memories. The end of the holiday season set a path to move forward into next year with eagerness and hopeful ideas.
I kept the above sentences to remind myself of where I was mentally.  I wrote those words right after New Years' day.
I wanted to start my blog off with a new look on life and to give you a preview of what's ahead for the coming year.

*That was then, this is now...
I'm not going to address the MAMMOTH size issues we are all facing currently, but I would be an idiot to not at the very least acknowledge it's presence in our lives.
With that being said, I hope all of you are doing the best you can and are staying safe.

Having a platform in our current climate can be challenging at times. What to say, what not to say are questions I ask myself daily. I've even reached out to trusted individuals to seek guidance and figure out just what to do. 
In a perfect world, everything I say will not be scrutinized and seem disingenuous. But that's not reality and no matter what I say, it will not seem adequate.

It's been agonizing, frustrating, and above all stressful. Which has led me to take a step back and be proactive behind the scenes. I don't owe anyone an explanation for how I take action. My fan-base knows if I need to be vocal, I will be. Because I have been.

Three things I want all of you to keep in mind:

1) Stay informed and DO your research.
Social media has been a great way to stay informed AND to be misled. Do your homework and come to the best solutions for you and your loved ones. 
2) Don't try to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. RUN!
We ALL need to step out of our comfort zone and take into account another person's situation. In the same breath, please educate yourself on systemic racism and how you can help in dismantling stereotypes and policies by having an honest conversation and strive actively for change.

3) VOTE!
It's your civic duty! Not only in the general election, but in your local election as well. WE truly are in this together. 

That's all I have to say for now. 

Be well.


                                               What I listened to while writing this post       
A Tribe Called Quest
                                                                   Electric Relaxation

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

My Top Ten Favorite Movies ~ SciFi Edition


Hello Fam!

Welcome to My Top Ten Favorite Science Fiction Movies of All-Time.

While I don't seek out Scifi movies on the regular, I would be remiss if I didn't share my love for these cinema projects.

Let me add a little factoid about me. I love ALL of the Star Wars movies and I'm also a Trekkie. Yes, you can be both. Seriously.😉

1) Empire Strikes Back

2) Star Trek 2 - The Wrath of Khan

3) Star Trek 6 -The Undiscovered Country

4) Star Wars Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace

5) The Fifth Element

6) Oblivion

7) Terminator 1, 2 & Salvation

8) Valerian

9) World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles

10) Independence Day

Be well,


                                              What I was listening to while writing this blog
                                                           Star Wars Live- John Williams

Sunday, August 2, 2020

My Top Ten Favorite Movies ~ Horror Edition


Heyyyyyyyy Fam!!!

I'm overly excited to share My Top Ten fav Horror Movies of All-Time! I love Horror movies and of course writing about horror.
This post would probably be more relevant around Halloween. But as you may know (or not) my belief is, if you love Halloween, Scary movies and all things creepy can be celebrated any time of the year!

                                            *Rubs hands together & evil laugh ensues

 #1 Seven (This movie still disturbs me to this day)

#2 Train to Busan (Made me fall in love with Zombie movies again)

#3 Cabin in the Woods (Joss Whedon, duh!)

#4 Dawn of the Dead (2004 edition) (Classic. And the way these zombies run!)

#5 Queen of the Damned (Visually appealing and killer soundtrack)

#6 Halloween 2 (Best Michael Myers movie)

#7 28 Days Later (It's action non-stop)

#8 30 days of Night (A beautiful twist about Vampires)

#9 The Thing (1982) (One of John Carpenter's best movies ever)

#10 Underworld (Everything about this Vampire world is amazing and yeah, I still don't do Werewolves)

Bonus movies (in no particular order) ~ Constantine, Lost Boys, Pet Sematary, Creepshow 1 & 2, Get Out, The Silence of the Lambs, The Birds, Psycho, The Strangers, Final Destination 1 & 4, Hereditary, The Quiet Place, Split, The Shining, Psycho and IT(2017)

That's it! As always...

Be well,


                                                      Cool Beats- Background Music

Monday, August 19, 2019

10 Things I Cannot Live Without

 Hello Fam! I hope this post finds you well and in good spirits.😄

This particular blog post will be short and sweet.

I'm coming to you after contemplating what to expose about myself next. I love using my Pinterest account to find gems I don't think are on any other social media platforms.

I use to be a creature of habit. I think in some ways, I still am. I can't eat the way I used to or have the same stamina I once had, but I do try to live my life instead of just existing. I am fundamentally a decent person. I don't set out to intentionally hurt anyone, nor do I seek harm to anyone who has hurt me. I let karma do its job. I will continue to be humble and grateful for each breath I take.

Now that that's out the way, let's get to some fun stuff.

Below are my top ten things I can't live without:

1) Music

Music over the years has been my best friend, my therapist, my confidant, my tear-jerker and my soul healer. I couldn't live on this planet without music. Could not!

2) Positive energy

I don't need daily affirmations to help navigate me through. However, I've had so many negative things happen to me ( and if I'm being honest, I've done negative things) upon much research and daily meditation, I need to have a positive outlook on my life. Wallowing in self-defeat and self-destructive actions will only produce negative outcomes. Yes, I'm a bit of a realist, but I'm a Libra y'all. I'm also a dreamer. I need balance in my life.

3) Good food

I won't say I'm a foodie, but I do enjoy different varieties of food. From a fresh Caprese salad to homemade mac' n cheese, ya girl has been blessed with a "cooking" hand and a lovely palette.

4) Books & Magazines

Uhh, this almost does not need an explanation. As an avid reader and writer, it's essential I read. Even if it's only the daily news online, I have to read every day.

5) My laptop

It's the center of my universe. Simple as that.

6) Notebooks

I think my last count was 10? I need to take a look. I'm working on three projects at the moment and there is a notebook for each one. I try to keep them close to me, along with my laptop.

7) Documentaries and BBC shows

I was losing faith in the quality of shows until the last 5 years. Thank goodness there are stories being made on independent networks! Kudos to Netflix for showcasing shows AND movies I wouldn't normally see here in the United States. My current obsession is Mindhunter and other shows about solving crimes.

8) Water

Not just consuming water, but at the very least, having a body of water to sit by or jump in.

9) Friends-

I have a small group of friends that I can call and count on.

10) Love

Whether it's from my partner, my kids (biological or bonus) or my family, I know I'm loved. I 'm not in shortage of that.

Fall season is around the corner. I love Autumn and all it brings. I may blog about that.
Until then...

Be well,



                                 What I listened to while writing this blog post

                                               Niia-Last Night in Los Feliz

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

My Dream Cast & Soundtrack Composer

Hello Fam!

After writing the post about the lack of POC representation in movies, I decided to create my perfect cast should my books ever be seen in a visual media form.  I created a list of actors/actresses who myself and my team would love to portray as my characters in a movie or cable network weekly show.

It's important to note that my female characters are POC and LGBTQ+, the rest of the cast (and crew) will be diverse across the board as well.

I want my work to reflect my surroundings. Representation is important and vital.

The talented individuals listed below were also chosen because their work in itself is exemplary.

In order of picture from left to right.

Alex aka Alexis~ Unknown Talent, Darius~Mahesh Jadu, Jacqueline aka Jackie~Janelle Monae
Midnight aka Katrine Baten~Tessa Thompson, Dominique~Aja Naomi King                                      President~Paul Bettany, David Reynolds aka Iva ~ TS Madison
Scientist~ Andre Holland, Melanie~ Brely Evans & Adamina O'hare~ Bryce Dallas Howard
There are other characters that are pertinent to the success of the story but those roles will be happily casted by virtually unknown  and undiscovered talent.

Moving on to what music I would choose called the Original soundtrack.
I love music. From Country to Classical. However, most of the music I listen to is Contemporary R& B.
I've always attached a Youtube video to my posts. Anyone who reads it can get a glimpse of what I listen to while I create my next post.
I've been a part of the process to shoot and put together a short film. One of the great elements to a film, (Tv show or even documentaries) is when music moves a scene. It sets the tone. Think about it. Most iconic movies have a fantastic soundtrack or at the very least a song you identify with it.
Below is a short list of movies that I love with amazing soundtracks:

The Wiz
The Wizard of Oz
Harry Potter Movies
Road to Perdition (Tom Hanks)
Dead Presidents
Lord of the Rings
Doris Day Movies
Carmen Jones
Waiting to Exhale
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Meet me in St. Louis

Being creative and wanting the public to watch an interpretation of a novel turned into some form of visual medium I believe would be an extraordinary experience. Waiting for the day with bated breath! I can feel it coming...

Have a beautiful week ahead!


                                               Would I do? by Neyo from The Wiz (Live)

                               Original song from the Soundtrack from "Road to Perdition"

The Writing Process and the Challenges of bringing relevant content

Hello Dawnettes and anyone that was guided here from my social media platforms!

Welcome and thank you for coming. Please leave a comment or ask a question if you wish.

Okay. So, as a writer, I try to make sure that when I post on social media I'm being as genuine as I can. I want to follow as many people as I can. I love to share and support others who are engaging with me.
Recently, I have begun to be more visible on Twitter. I have lessened my visibility on Instagram. The choices of why I changed they way I want my brand to showcase me as more than just a writer. Even here on my blog, I tackle different issues. This is where I can truly express what I feel without feeling I owe an explanation to anyone about what I write.

This blog is about the the process and the frustration that I feel most writers face. Coming up with content that is entertaining and tries to keep you interested from the first line in the first chapter to the epilogue. Your hope that you've done all the right things. Connected all the dots and the editor has made sure the story has continuity and flows like you originally intended. I believe writers are already feeling defeated before anyone reads their work. I think we are our worst critics. We may get writers block or just need to step away from your writing to get a fresh perspective.
Coming up with content takes research, ingenuity and imagination. The mindset it takes to achieve a short story, novella or even an epic novel takes blood,sweat and tears(literally).

At the end of your finished creation, there should be a sense of satisfaction. A jubilation. It's short lived. Because, now you have to let others see it. Review it, like it or dislike it. Interpet it the way they see it. However, your gleeful that anyone has taken the time to read what your imagination came up with.
It's exhausting. It's a lonely job. Having a network of other writers helps, because they understand your journey.
To my readers and fandom, I thank them with every fiber in my body. To the Writing community, thank you for the continued support. This is one thing I know for certain...

"No one wants to be in consent torment of putting words to paper. But to a writer it's a necessary evil."

Have a great week ahead!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019



Hello Dawnettes & Fam,

This blog comes to you after a very tragic event has happened to my family. In particular, my daughter. The only reason I'm sharing this personal event is that I believe it's important to show that through resilience, strength, time and love can help in situations that are still dealing with the passing of a loved one.

Grief: deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone's death.

"she was overcome with grief"

synonyms: sorrow, misery, sadness, anguish, pain, distress, agony, torment, affliction, suffering, heartache, heartbreak, broken-heartedness, heaviness of heart, woe, desolation, despondency, dejection, despair, angst, mortification

I can tell you that every word in the definition stated above I've felt in the past month and watching someone have an unexplainable pain or anguish makes it almost unbearable. The sadness that accompanies this particular death brought those around me to the breaking point. From my partner to my other two children.

There was an outpouring of love and empathy. On the other hand, it seemed as if it was too hard for people to convey what they felt. Some didn't even know what to say or what do at a time like this.

Let me give you some advice, to those of you that may not know what to say or how to react to a person dealing with grief and loss.
Just listen👂. Really listen, without replying. Offer a meal, babysitting {if the individual has children}, maybe even booking a room for a few days so "they" have a quiet place to reflect or just to get away. Offering condolences is wonderful, but truthfully, your friends or loved ones need support in areas you wouldn't normally think of. That's where you will make a difference. That's where you are appreciated because you thought outside the box.

And please for goodness sake, follow up people!!!!!😔

Grief doesn't have a time period. Check up on them and make sure they've eaten or had a bath/shower. I know it sounds crazy, but trust me you have made a difference with just a simple follow up phone call.💓

In the past, I've dealt with my trauma with therapy and sharing my experience. It almost seems trivial at this point. But, I definitely have a different perspective on my life and the people in my life.

I want to thank everyone who lovingly helped my daughter and her boyfriend. I want to thank my family and friends for what they were able to provide in the midst of this.

And I want to hug and uplift my partner. She shared the experience with me while dealing with life and regular duties at home while grieving on her own.

To my daughter-

I love you💖 and as you try to navigate and find your way out of this storm, know you have people rooting for you and love you unconditionally.

Be well,

                                                     I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS*
                                                What I listened to while I wrote this blog     

                                                        Could've Been H.E.R Piano Cover

Saturday, March 2, 2019



Hello Fam. This is the first time I am conducting a contest and I'm PUMPED!

The launching of my second book "Alex Races Against the Dawn-The Vampyir Plague Book 2" has been a labor of love and I wanted to give back in a fun & engaging way.

So, If you visit my Twitter account, Twitter Page or My website and follow the instructions you will be entered to when 1 of three prizes.

I will provide the links to my social media outlets below.🔔🔔🔔

I want to take a moment and thank everyone that has helped in making this launch possible. From the people that are in my life that motivated me to create these characters to the people that helped put my creation together. Family, friends, Advocates and personalilties from the LGBTQ community, my editor and the wonderful company that created my cover. I also want thank everyone that has ever crossed my path, in some way shape or form. You have in some way contributed to this book and my writing.

So, go!→ Now and enter the contest! Good luck!!!


                               Darlene B the Author Facebook Page


                             Music I enjoyed to while I was making this blog:


                                                        Sade~ Keep Looking

Friday, February 22, 2019

The Nerd in me is coming out. Yes, I Like SteamPunk!

Hello Dawnettes! Welcome to the world of SteamPunk!!

I needed to discuss a subject that I wanted to know more information about. Especially with all that is happening in the world this week. 

STEAMPUNK! This is a world I think I could live in. A combination of Sci-Fi with an old world feel to it, at the same time with a futuristic overtone. Steampunk reminds me of Medieval times. Periods dating around 1500's. The Medieval Period has always been a time that I found most fascinating. Whether it be a television show or a novel, I've always been intrigued and researched what was going on historically.  This year, I'm planning on attending the Faire. I've even attended several Renaissance Faires in the past.

I visited Portland in 2016 for about a month before moving to Washington for a year. In that time frame, I discovered SteamPunk and wanted to attend an event to get a feel for it. However, I left before I had the chance.😪

Now that I'm back in California and I have an opportunity to see parts of the state I haven't visited before, I think I'm going to see if there is an event near where I live.

I love graphic novels and I would like to delve into or at the very least, explore different genres. I love Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Paranormal, and Horror. I'm lovingly adding on SteamPunk; you have to change it up every now and again.

I would love to get feedback on this subject from people who know more about it. Once this blog is posted, I will reach out via social media and see what happens.

I needed to remind myself of the definition of Steampunk. Here is what I found:


Dictionary result for steampunk

  1. a genre of science fiction that has a historical setting and typically features steam-powered machinery rather than advanced technology.

    "if you like steampunk, this is a great book for you"
    • a style of design and fashion that combines historical elements with anachronistic technological features inspired by science fiction.

      "the essence of steampunk is homage to vintage fashion with a modern, sassy twist"

Thank goodness for Pinterest and Tumblr. These platforms have so much to view
as far as seeing images and connecting with others that share the same interest. Now all I need is to pick up a pair of goggles, a top hat, and a corset!

Hope everyone has a great weekend. 

Be well,



What I listened to while making this blog.

Toni Braxton

The Road to Becoming A Screenwriter

Hello Fam! Yes, I know. It's been a minute. Don't beat me up too bad. Moving, job changes, and life have definitely gotten in...