
Monday, June 13, 2016

                                                                   Is this for real??

When I read this a year from now, I hope and pray that things will have improved. I hope that we will be one step closer to having security that detects maniacs from coming in anywhere that we could become victims. I hope that this world realizes we have differences, but we can co-exist without killing each. I hope people who have religious beliefs, start to promote more love and less hatred.

I hope.

*On June 12th, a man walked into The Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida and killed 49 people and injured 53 other. He was subsequently shot to death when officers exchanged fire.

The reality will not be as rosy. I know this. I've been in mourning for people all day that I didn't know personally and somehow could feel empathy because it "could" have been someone I loved.
It could have been me.
As the details spill out into the media and we learn who the person was that killed 50 people and injured 52 others, I can't help but wonder did he really hate us that much?  I read on a Youtube video  in the comments that on "other" social media platforms he is being celebrated and will be welcomed into heaven for his "good deeds."

I don't know what religion says that killing human beings are justifiable. Yes, I understand there are extremists. These extremists are in any religion and in any ethnic group. That's not what I believe this was.

He was a fearful human being. His fear of not understanding, to not be tolerant, of not valuing life. Even his own. He was described as mentally disturbed, a wife-beater, and a person who claimed to be in "connection" with a Terrorist group. My final estimation, he was a sick individual.

As I write this, my heart is heavy. The tears come easy because it takes so much for some of us to live in our truth. Unashamed and uninhibited. And yet, we are targeted, scrutinized, belittled, and frankly downright disrespected for simply wanting to live our lives our way. We don't infringe our beliefs on anyone. We just want to eat, love, live, grow old, and work. Basically, live our lives without living in fear. This is a beautiful world. A world we are filling with toxic fumes and pesticides. A world that gives us life every day and we take it for granted. I've ranted enough.

As the day went on, there were videos of solidarity and comfort from around the world. From NYC to Europe and back. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

I will use my platform to spread positivity, encourage others to be happy in their skin, and to showcase other's talents. Networking is one of the keys to success. We have to support each. Build a bridge for one another. We can stand alone on the island, but who wants to?

I want everyone who reads this to call someone you've been mad at and just check on them. Repair the broken bridges you made with people ( if they still want to talk to you.) And say a prayer for those who have come and gone in your life.

Tomorrow isn't promised. Live, laugh, and be the best human being you can be.

Be well...


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