
Thursday, October 5, 2017

It's My Story and I'm sticking to it!

My Interpretation of the world around me and a slight update on me personally.

Hello, Fam! I trust all is well. I have decided that when I post any blogs in the future, it will begin with a positive greeting.

With that being said, this blog post will be going in a little bit of a different direction.

Over the past three months since stepping away from blogging, writing, or generally wanting to see anything I've written that I wanted to share there has been an awakening. Today I was actually taking a nap and it came to me. All of this could be a waste of time.
Sure, I love to express my opinion where I see fit. I still feel in my heart that I have so much to share with my audience. And yes, I still love to write. However, does what I do matter? Does anyone really care what I think or feel? Could it be I'm a bit arrogant in thinking "hey someone will like what I have to say?" The resounding answer is maybe.
I do believe that someone does care on some level. That the content I put out may be enjoyable to a degree. I never want to offend or push a fan away because what I have to say isn't relevant content.
But I do think I matter.

That's the whole point. People want to be heard. In their personal relationships (Friendship, spouse,etc.) workplace or getting a cup of coffee. I've recently become a huge fan of Penn Jillette. He is a renowned Magician, Comedian, Inventor, Actor and an Author.( He is also an Atheist but we will visit that in another blog.)I have found his views of different subjects we face every day to be a breath of fresh air. He has successfully been added to people I will meet eventually in my lifetime. Yes, folks, there is a list. I get it. He has shown me that even if there is one person that shares my view it doesn't matter. It matters that I made a difference.

I write because it makes me feel better. It's not a form of therapy. I just like sharing my thoughts with complete strangers. Who will at the end of the day have their own opinions about what I have to say. It could be negative or positive. Either way, they will have had to read it to even feel some type of way. My projects are presented in the same way. I write because I feel better knowing that I have created characters that dance inside my head and want to be seen and heard. Characters that could be relatable. I've always wanted to feel as if I met these individuals, I could have a conversation and maybe learn something along the way.

I've also decided that I will commit to blogging every two weeks. They won't be as long as this one. But never too short where I won't be complete in my thoughts and feelings.

Thank you for being on this journey with me and I hope you stay tuned for upcoming content and other fun stuff.

And a special thank you to Diane...

Be well...


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