
Monday, May 16, 2016

It's Been A Long Time...

Portland, Oregon during Feb 2016.
Good morning Dawnettes and everyone else!

Today is Monday May 15th, 2016. 

I have to admit, there has been quite a few changes and shifts since we last spoke. I moved from Los Angeles, CA to Seattle, Washington. The plans I had for this coming year have not come to fruition. Searching for a peace of mind in a chaotic world. 

The jest of it is boys and girls, is that I've been off track. Being brutally honest with you is my way of coming to some truths and a reality check. With that being said, the tears have stopped and I have brushed my shoulders off. As I write these words I have often wondered is anyone else going through the same setbacks this year? Are people not fulfilling their New Year's promises? Mind you, I always start out with great enthusiasm. My work ethic, my goals, and where I want my career to go are always the base of my encouragement speech every morning. And yet, here I am wondering why haven't I achieved what I wanted to accomplish by now? 

So, I took some advice from a few friends of mine. Took a minute away and now I'm trying to pick up the pieces. 

I will make a few appearances this year and be more vocal on my blog. I hope I can engage my audience with all that I have to offer. I have a new website AND a newsletter. All the links will be provided on each blog I put out. 

The big news is that I'm here. Still. Fighting to survive and let you into my world. I want to personally thank each and everyone who reads my words. Buys my book. Visits my website. Enjoys my newsletters. Anything or any place that you see me, I hope I leave you with positive energy and food for thought. 

Please take a moment to reflect on your own lives and if you need to make the necessary changes, do be afraid. Don't let time get away. You will look up and see that life has passed you by. Never measure your success by someone's else. Instead let it be a beacon of moving forward in your own life. At your own pace. Not everyone is going to understand or probably even care. But for the few you do reach... trust me friends it's worth all that you sacrifice to become who you are destined to be.

As always,

Be well...


Trying... {Original Post date - October 22, 2015}

Hello Dawnettes,
I don't think I have enough time in the day for the next 364 days, to tell you what has transpired this year has been totally unplanned and quite frankly caught me off guard. I was gently instructed to give you a glimpse of what my thoughts are or rather what my days are like as I try to take my writing level to the next career. The only line I can give you at this point and time is "it's a work in process." Everything is about research and development. It takes time to build an audience. It takes time for your audience to look forward to your work. They want to get to know you know in any way possible. Some are just satisfied with your written work. Others want more intimate details of your personal life. What it took to get you to this point. Anything from, "what is your writing process", "to how much money to do really make". People are inquisitive. They have a right to be. Your putting out a product and they want to know about the contents and its owner. I can't complain. This was voluntary. This is what comes when you display your life to the public. Your life is up for scrutiny. It's the way of the world. The old saying of "be careful what you wish for" has never been so clearer. My circle has definitely gotten smaller, but my fan base has grown.

I don't regret my decision. I believe I was put on this planet to create and hopefully one day see my characters in some form of visual media. To also be a voice ( an advocate if you will) and speak across the country. I am an LGBTQ Author and I have many issues I am passionate about that isn't related to my writing that I want speak openly about.
The road is long and I hope that these blogs I post help someone who is at a crossroads trying to determine if this is the right decision for them. It took me 22 years to get here. I'm sorry it took that long. But here I am.
Be well...

New Blog, New Ideas, New Attitude {Original Post date - Sept. 21, 2015}

Hello, My Dawnettes and welcome to another addition of "This is my life". I will be brutely honest, I've been through a few hurdles since we last talked but, I'm still standing. Don't rush out to grab the tissues just yet darlings. Stick around kiddies for the main event. 
There comes in time (I think) in everyone's life where they have to be their own cheerleader. The voice inside their head that screams wake up and get moving. I move to a different beat its true. I'm no different than anyone else. I need to be able to take care of my family and live my life. To carry myself with dignity and grace. At the same time be a little quirky and have some fun. Life is full of possibilities and life is short. Life is precious and fleeting. I have a lot to say in a short amount of time.
One of the things I have discovered even as recent as yesterday is that you have to create opportunity. No one is going to do that for you. I know for certain that it's one of the driving forces of why I created the characters the way I did.
I didn't see women of color in the genre I'm writing in as main characters, so I created them. I didn't see LGBT characters that were paranormal as main characters. So I created them. 
Toni Morrison said it best. "If there is a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, you must be the one to write it."

And I did. And I will continue to write what I want to read if it hasn't been written. 
Thank you for your continued support. 
Be well...

Living Authentically with my family

Long Beach Pride 2015 with my son & daughter (Keith and Aleisha)

Hey Dawn loves and Everyone else!!! {Original Post date - June 23, 2015}🌈

Today is Monday June 22nd, 2015. In a few days, my son will be twenty-one. I am very proud of him and my two other children. As I reflect on his years of growing up, I have always encouraged him to be the best at whatever he set his mind to do. From sports to school assignments, there wasn't any occasion where I didn't provide counseling and if needed the tools for him to succeed. Hit and misses happened along the way, but it was a journey that in my book is priceless.
I have tried to be an example for him, but it hasn't always been easy. Interaction with people from all walks of life have entered my life and have brought me experiences that helped shape my decisions and also what I wanted to accomplish at the time.
I'm not perfect. I don't pretend to be. However, I never let it change who I am on the inside. Although, it has left me broken for a period of time.  I have been able to bounce back and moved forward with a positive attitude.
I appreciate all the people who have come and gone in my life. I will always stay humble and true to who I am. I know I have a lot to learn still. That doesn't diminish the fact that I still have to teach what learn along the way. My kids see my progression, I can only pray I am leading them down the right path.
I look forward to what the future holds and hope. I will strive with every fiber of my being to make my mark and leave a legacy behind my children can be proud of.
Be well,


                           Song that I was listening to while creating this blog:
                               I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO THIS SONG*

                                            SWV- Interlude~ Use Your Heart                                                                         

Hey Dawn Loves {Original Post date - April 18th, 2016}

There is so much going on that I can't describe my joy. I will be featuring my first author interview here AND a very special guest. A friend asked me just yesterday, "how do you seem to find time to all the tasks I have and seem to hold down a day job?" Thankfully, I have a job that allows me some free time. To create, write, blog, post pics on Instagram, or just to live my life. 
I can honestly say I have to find a balance. After all, I am a Libra! That's what we do. Time management is the key and I may need some assistance if things get any crazier. In the next five days, I will announce an event that is coming up in June along with the other features just mentioned above. It will provide a different dimension to my brand and a little inside of what makes me tick. 
Thank you for taking the time to come here to get some news and interacting with me.

Until next time...
Be well,

The Road to Becoming A Screenwriter

Hello Fam! Yes, I know. It's been a minute. Don't beat me up too bad. Moving, job changes, and life have definitely gotten in...